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Creator Contracts FAQ

Everything you need to know about our Creator Contracts

Marco Peyfuss avatar
Written by Marco Peyfuss
Updated over a week ago

Who owns my smart contract?

You own your smart contract. All Transient Lab contracts are sovereign and owned by the creator who creates and deploys the contract. We cannot do anything with your contracts - only you have the power to do anything like mint.

Why do I need to own my own contract?

Owning your contract gives you full control over your NFTs. It allows you to define unique properties and rules for your NFT collection, enforce your royalties, and provide transparency and assurance to your collectors.

What contracts does The Lab offer?

The Lab offers ERC721TL and ERC1155TL, which are our core creator contracts. More types and innovations will be added in the future.

What is the difference between ERC-721 and ERC-1155?


- Unique Masterpieces: ERC-721 is like the digital certificate for a unique, singular masterpiece. Each token represents a distinct piece of art, ensuring its originality and ownership.

- Individuality: Ideal for artists who create one-of-a-kind pieces, allowing art collectors to acquire, hold, and trade tokens that represent ownership of individual, unique artworks.


- Art Editions: ERC-1155 is akin to a versatile digital catalog for artists who produce artworks in editions or series. It allows the creation of tokens for unique and multiple-copy artworks within the same contract.

- Efficiency for Editions: It's particularly useful for artists releasing a series of artworks, or a set of editions, enabling the efficient management, acquisition, and trading of both unique and editioned artworks in a single transaction.

Simplified Analogy:

- ERC-721 is like owning a one-of-a-kind, unique painting, where you have the only token that proves ownership of that specific piece of art.

- ERC-1155 is like having a collection of art series or editions, where you can own one or multiple tokens of the same artwork, representing each piece in a limited edition series, along with unique pieces, all within the same collection.

How do I deploy a contract?

What are story inscriptions?

Story inscriptions are text associated with an NFT that provides more depth, context, and provenance to the digital asset. They help artists and collectors add a layer of meaning and storytelling to their work. Learn how to write Story Inscriptions to your NFT with this guide.

Can I enforce royalties with my contracts?

Yes, Transient contracts fully support royalties. Transient Labs uses EIP-2981 for on-chain royalty specification, compliant with all major marketplaces and the Royalty Registry. We also provide an optional Royalty Guard to enforce royalties by blocking marketplaces that don't enforce royalties.

What is a BlockList or Royalty Guard?

The BlockList feature allows creators to block holders from listing their NFTs on unapproved marketplaces. This ensures sales are only made on platforms that enforce the creator royalties.

What is the difference between Ethereum and Arbitrum?

Ethereum is the primary and original layer-1 blockchain platform for creating and managing smart contracts, including NFTs. Arbitrum, conversely, is a layer-2 scaling solution built on top of Ethereum that aims to make transactions faster and less costly while maintaining the security and decentralization of the Ethereum network. You can learn more about the differences between Ethereum and Arbiturm here.

What is the contract name and symbol?

The contract name and symbol represent your project or artwork on the blockchain. The contract name is a full-length identifier, while the symbol is a shorter, usually 3-5 character abbreviation of the name.

Can I change my contract name, symbol, or personalization after deploying?

Once a contract is deployed on the blockchain, it's immutable. This means the name, symbol, and associated ASCII art or personalizations can't be changed.

Can I delete a contract?

Once a contract is deployed on the blockchain, it becomes immutable, meaning it cannot be deleted, and the code cannot be altered.

What is a contract admin?

Admins are allowlisted wallets with access to perform various actions such as minting tokens, setting up drops, updating or proposing token metadata, and adding story inscriptions on your behalf. You can learn more about how to add contract admins here.

I created a contract already, but my dashboard is wrong.

You may have logged in with a different wallet address. Ensure the connected wallet address is the wallet the contract is associated with; if not, disconnect the wallet and connect the correct wallet to The Lab.

My contract needs to show up on marketplaces. What can I do?

If your contract needs to appear on marketplaces, first verify that the contract has been properly deployed and that the tokens have been minted correctly. If the contract and tokens are set up correctly, you may need to contact the marketplace's support team for further assistance. You can learn about auto-indexing your NFTs to SuperRare and/or Foundation here.

Are Transient Contracts proxy contracts?

Yes, we employ the use of proxy patterns, specifically ERC-1967 immutable proxies. This allows for cost-effective deployment, customization, and transparency.

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