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Stacks Walkthrough: 1/1/x Collections with ERC-721 & ERC-7160
Stacks Walkthrough: 1/1/x Collections with ERC-721 & ERC-7160

In this article, we will walk you through setting up a Stacks mint page for your 1/1/x collections!

Ben Strauss avatar
Written by Ben Strauss
Updated over a week ago

  1. Create your draft 721 tokens for the pieces you want to create a mint page for.

    1. IMPORTANT: Do not mint any tokens. Stacks utilizes lazy minting, meaning you create draft tokens, and then the collector is the one minting them, saving you gas fees on unnecessarily minting.

  2. Push “create” on the contract dashboard push “create stack”

  3. Select the 721s tokens you’d like to create a Stack (mint page).

    1. Select the tokens in the order you’d like them minted.

      1. When selecting the token, a small number appears in the purple box specifying the mint order. #1 will be minted first.

  4. Name your Stack. The URL slug is automatically generated based on the stack's name; however, you can edit this.

  5. Add your payout address. This wallet address will receive the primary sales revenue from the mint.

  6. Select the start date and time.

    1. If you plan to do a pre-sale, this date & time is the start of the pre-sale mint.

  7. Toggle on the pre-sale if you want to have an allowlist presale mint.

    1. Specify the pre-sale duration. Options include 1 hour, 2 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours.

    2. Set your pre-sale price. Remember that the pre-sale and public sale mint phases can have different prices.

    3. Add your allowlist.

      1. Download the template. Fill out all the wallet addresses and specify the quantity allowance for each address.

      2. Important: If you set a collector's pre-sale allowance to 2 and the public sale allowance is 5, and if they minted 2 during the pre-sale, that collector can only mint 3 more pieces during the public sale.

  8. Set your public sale up.

    1. Select your public sale duration. Options include 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, and no limit.

    2. Add in the public sale price

    3. Select the max mint allowance during the public sale.

      1. Note: Wallet limit sets the maximum number of mints a given wallet address can mint during the public phase. Example - Wallet limit is set to 5. Wallet address A is on the allowlist, and mints 3 during pre-sale. The public sale opens, then address A has 2 mints remaining.

  9. Configure your mint page.

    1. Add a description of your project/token.

    2. Add a thumbnail image to represent your collection.

    3. Add as many informational sections as you’d like to specify certain information. This can be used to talk about prints, artist bios, shout-out collaborators, etc…

    4. You can add as many custom FAQs as you like. Answer any questions collectors may have about your project here.

    5. Add social media links such as X, Warpcast, and your website!

  10. Preview your mint page.

    1. If something doesn’t look right, click “continue editing” at the bottom right to return to the configuration page.

    2. If everything looks good, click “Launch Stack” at the bottom right!

  11. Approve the Stacks contract. Send the transaction & sign the transaction.

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