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Mint Page FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions related to Mint Pages!

Daniel Volkov avatar
Written by Daniel Volkov
Updated over a week ago

General Information

  1. What are Mint Pages?

    1. Mint Pages revolutionize the sales process within The Lab, enabling creators to build and publish their mint pages independently. It supports releasing editions using ERC1155 or creating unique 1/1/X collections through ERC721 contracts. This innovative product offers creators an unprecedented way to showcase and sell their work without the hassle of indexing their contracts on external marketplaces, facilitating a direct sales pathway with a 0% creator fee structure.

Setup and Costs

  1. Is there a specific size for my Mint page thumbnail?

    1. The thumbnail has no specific dimensions, but it should be square. The maximum file size is 50MB, ensuring your mint page loads quickly.

  2. What’s the setup cost for a mint page on ETH?

    1. To set up the mint page, you must do an approval transaction and then a transaction to set up the actual mint page sales contract. In total, this costs about 0.02 eth at 50 gwei.

  3. What’s the setup cost for Mint Pages on ARB?

    1. To set up the Mint page, you must do an approval transaction and then a transaction to set up the actual Mint page sales contract. In total, this costs about 0.00006 eth at 50 gwei.

  4. Can I create multiple buy now 1/1 Mint pages on the same ERC721 contract?

    1. No. The contract is built so that you sell one 1/1/x series per ERC-721 contract at one time. You can have multiple drops going across different contracts; however, only one can go at a time on a single contract.

    2. Example: Bob has set up a Stack drop for a 1/1/100 collection. He is not able to setup another 1/1/x collection on the same contract until the sale has ended on the first drop. Once the sale has ended (either sold out, time ended, or manually closed), he can create a new drop.

  5. Can I create multiple 1155 Mint Pages on the same contract?

    1. A token on an ERC-1155 contract can only have one live drop for it at the moment. However, if an ERC-1155 contract has multiple tokens created, all of them can have a live mint page simultaneously.

    2. Example: Bob has an ERC-1155 contract with 3 tokens on it. He can create a mint page drop for tokens 1, 2, and 3 and have them live simultaneously. However, if he wants to make another drop for token 1, he would have to wait until the first drop has ended for token 1 (either sold out, time ended, or manually closed).

Minting and Token Management

  1. Do I have to mint the art before setting up the Mint Page drop?

    1. For 721s: No! Mint pages utilize lazy minting, meaning the collectors mint the tokens rather than the creator minting and then listing. The only reason to mint 721s is if you want to reserve some pieces for yourself. Minted tokens cannot be added to Mint Pages.

  2. What order are the tokens minted in?

    1. For ERC721: the tokens are minted in the order selected by the creator during Mint Page token selection process. This order is denoted by a numbering schema in the first part of the Mint Page configuration process.

  3. Can I randomize the mint order?

    1. The order in which the tokens are minted cannot be randomized. For now, a creator could use a random sequencer (

  4. What are the mint duration options?

    1. For public sale: 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, and no limit.

    2. For pre-sale: 1 hour, 2 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours.

  5. What are the available Velocity and Marathon minting increments?

    1. The minimum increment for both is 1 minute, and the maximum is 10 minutes

  6. What happens if the Mint Page sale ends?

    1. The draft tokens originally added to a Mint Page will be removed from your contract page if you decide to "Close your Mint".

Publishing and Editing

  1. Is my Mint Page discoverable once I publish it?

    1. Once you publish your Mint Page, it will be discoverable on and be displayed as an upcoming or live drop.

  2. Can I edit the Informational Sections after publishing my Mint page?

    1. Yes! You can edit the description of the Mint page, the thumbnail image, informational sections, FAQs, and links by going to your contract page and clicking a published Mint page.

  3. Can I stop a Mint Page drop and reopen it later?

    1. No, you cannot pause a Mint Page. Once a drop date and time are set, they are fixed and cannot be changed. Once the mint phases conclude, the Mint page cannot be reopened; if you want to run a new mint or extend the mint, you’d have to create a new one.

  4. Can I change the day and time afterward if I set it to start?

    1. You can edit the start day and time if the Mint page is still being drafted. Once it is published, you cannot change the drop dates or times.

Sales and Allowlist Management

  1. Can I set a maximum mint allowance per wallet when creating an allowlist?

    1. Yes! When setting up a Mint page, you’ll use our allowlist template. In this template, you can add a wallet address and specify the number of tokens (max allowance) each wallet address can mint during the pre-sale. It is important to note that if you set a pre-sale allowance of 2 for a collector, and then the public sale allowance is 5, that collector can only mint 3 pieces during the public sale.

  2. Can I set a different wallet limit for public sales?

    1. Yes! You can set different wallet limits between the pre-sale/allowlist phase and the public sale. It is important to note that if you set a collector's pre-sale allowance to 2 and the public sale allowance is 5 if they minted 2 during the pre-sale, that collector can only mint 3 more pieces during the public sale.

  3. What should I do if I want to reserve some supply for myself?

    1. If you’d like to reserve a supply, mint the tokens you want to reserve directly to your wallet using the ‘token recipient’ field on the token page.

  4. How do I create the allowlist?

    1. Download our allowlist template when setting up your Mint Page. Then, you can add all the wallet addresses and specify the maximum number of tokens minted for each wallet address.

  5. Can the allowlist upload multiple snapshots, or must it all be in one file?

    1. The allowlist should be consolidated into one file and uploaded using our CSV template.

  6. Can any changes be made to the allowlist once it is uploaded?

    1. No, it is locked once the allowlist is submitted and the Mint Page is published. We encourage you only to upload the allowlist when it is finalized and to double-check all the information before uploading the file.

  7. Can I change the wallet limit after my Mint Page is published?

    1. No.

Technical and Miscellaneous Questions

  1. Where will the collection be indexed? Where can it be traded?

    1. Currently, you can index your 721 collections on Superare and Foundation. You can also import your 721 contracts to Makersplace directly on their platform. All collections are automatically indexed to Opensea as well.

  2. Does Transient Labs have a snapshot tool?

    1. Transient Labs does not have a snapshot tool.

  3. Can I index unminted tokens on other platforms like Foundation?

    1. No, unminted tokens do not exist on-chain and cannot be indexed to other marketplaces. Once the tokens are minted via Mint Pages, you can index the contract to the appropriate marketplace.

  4. What is the payout address?

    1. The payout address is the wallet address that will receive the mint revenue from your Mint Page sales.

  5. Does using Mint Pages mean I don’t need to mint the token myself? Can I list the ready draft tokens directly on a Mint Page for the collector to mint?

    1. Correct. Mint Pages utilize lazy minting, meaning only draft tokens can be added to a Mint Page, and the tokens are minted on-demand by collectors.

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