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Payment Splitters for royalties
Payment Splitters for royalties

Add a multiple wallets to your royalty

Daniel Volkov avatar
Written by Daniel Volkov
Updated over 11 months ago

Primary Sale Splits: With Stacks (mint/claim/auction pages), you can create your split for the primary sale using Splits. When would you want to do this? Let's say for example, you collaborated with another artist and wanted to split the sale 50/50. You can create your splitter contract and set that address as your payout when listing the artwork on a Stacks page.

Secondary Sale Splits: You can also set up a split for the royalty of an artwork by using Splits following the same process you would to create a splitter contract for primary sales.

  1. The first step is creating a new split by going to

2. Next, sign up for a Splits account. (this is optional and only required if you want to add a name to your contract). Otherwise, you only need to connect your wallet to create the split.

3. Once your account is created and your wallet is connected, add the addresses and percentages.

4. Next, set a controller. A controller is a wallet address that can modify the split after creation. Keep the default "no controller" option to ensure the split stays immutable.

5. Next, set up the optional distribution threshold (and the fee you're willing to pay) so balances are automatically distributed. This saves you the hassle of doing this yourself. If you select manually distribute, there is no fee, but you will need to log on to Splits and distribute royalties to the participating wallet addresses.

6. The last step is to hit "Create Split," then a transaction will pop up from your wallet. Once you complete the transaction, the split is created.

7. Copy the contract address at the top left of your newly created Split.

8. Head to The Lab to create your new contract; when you get to the contract details page, add your royalty % and paste the address from Splits into the "royalty recipient" field.

9. That's it! Once you deploy your contract, your royalties will be sent to the Splits contract you created, and you can log in and distribute those funds at any time.

If you need additional assistance with setting up your Split, navigate to their help center:

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