Synergy was deprecated on March 23rd, 2025. All contracts deployed before this date utilize Synergy, while all contracts deployed after this date don't. Please contact us for any metadata update requests.
What is Synergy?
Synergy is a Transient Labs mechanism that protects collectors against metadata changes. Evidently, metadata updates are needed in some instances, although not that often. The feature is handy when needed but could be abused and typically deters traditional art collectors.
To combat this, we have devised a propose-commit scheme. If an update is needed, the creator proposes a metadata update. The collector can then visualize the change and approve or reject it. Once approved, the metadata is updated, but only then.
What can I use Synergy for?
Creators can propose metadata changes, ensuring their creative process is never stifled. Yet, the collector's consent is always prioritized.
Introduce layers of exploration and rewards, as showcased in the “Pursuit of Equilibrium” collection, to enhance the collector experience.
Foster a deeper bond between the artwork and its collector by utilizing metadata updates.
How does Synergy differ from traditional metadata updates?
Traditional metadata updates can be done unilaterally by the creator. With Synergy, a propose-commit scheme ensures that collectors have a say in the approval process of metadata changes, preserving the integrity of the art and its history.
Can collectors initiate a metadata change?
No, only creators can propose a metadata change. However, the collector has the final say in approving or rejecting the proposed update.
What happens if a collector rejects a metadata update?
If a collector rejects a proposed metadata change, the original metadata remains unchanged.