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Supported File Types

Learn how to optimize file sizes and formats for seamless display on Transient Labs.

Marco Peyfuss avatar
Written by Marco Peyfuss
Updated over 4 months ago

Creating art on Transient Labs should be seamless, but large file sizes can cause issues on our platform and others. We enforce size limits and have some recommendations for each media type to ensure your artwork is displayed perfectly for collectors.

1. Supported File Types

Transient Labs supports various file types.

File Type




.png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .svg, .webp

GIFs are supported but we recommend using webp, especially for large file sizes.

Use Squoosh to export to WebP for reduced file sizes without sacrificing quality.


.mp4 (H.264 only)

MP4 files are ideal for cross-platform compatibility.

Export with Handbrake for optimized H.264 compression and smooth playback.



These formats are optimized for seamless audio playback.

3D Models


Use .glb format for interactive 3D models.

HTML Pages


HTML pages allow for dynamic, interactive art experiences.

2. File Size Limits

To maintain the best experience across Transient Labs and marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible, we have set the following size limits:

  • Images: The maximum size is 50 MB. We recommend compressing or converting images to webp if you are running into file size limits.

  • Videos: Up to 300MB.

  • Audio, 3D Models, and HTML: 300MB max; 100MB recommended for optimal performance.

Note: Although you can upload large files to Transient Labs, the viewing experience may vary across different platforms.

3. Optimizing Your Files

Choosing the right format and size for your artwork is essential for quality and accessibility. Here’s how we can help:

  • GIF Alternatives: If your animated GIF exceeds 50MB, consider converting it to a Webp. This reduces load time and may display better on various platforms. Use Squoosh to export to WebP.

  • Video Quality: .mp4 is widely compatible and ensures smooth playback on Transient Labs and other sites. Export with Handbrake for optimized H.264 compression and smooth playback.

4. Storage

We’re committed to ensuring your artwork is securely stored. All assets and metadata are stored on IPFS, a decentralized storage solution ensuring permanence and reliability. Read more about that decision here.

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